Shining a Light on Solar Panel Myths: What Energy Professionals Need to Know

Apr 11, 2024
Shining a Light on Solar Panel Myths: What Energy Professionals Need to Know

With the UK's solar market booming, it's crucial to separate fact from fiction. What are solar panels really capable of in these rainy isles?

Myth 1: It's not sunny enough

One of the most persistent myths about solar panels is that the British weather renders them worthless. However, as experts in the green energy sector, we know that this simply isn't true. Solar panels are designed to generate power in both sunny and cloudy weather, reacting to the visible light spectrum rather than just direct sunlight. In fact, the UK receives an average of five 'sun hours' per day between April and September, providing ample opportunity for clean, green solar power generation.

Myth 2: Solar panels have to face South

While a South-facing roof will indeed yield the greatest savings on energy bills, East and West-facing roofs are also viable options, producing around 85% of the power generated by a South-facing array. This flexibility opens up solar panel installation to a wider range of properties and customers. In fact, the UK solar industry hit nearly 200,000 residential installs in 2023.

Myth 3: You can't use solar electricity during power cuts

As the energy and power landscape evolves, it's important for professionals to stay up to date on the latest technological advancements. For example, the Tesla Powerwall 3 is a game-changing battery storage solution that allows homes to continue using solar-generated electricity even during power cuts. By taking the home temporarily off-grid, the Powerwall 3 ensures a reliable power supply and enhances the overall value of a solar panel installation.

Myth 4: Solar panels are too expensive

Some may be hesitant to invest in solar panels due to concerns about upfront costs and long-term returns. However, the truth is that solar panels offer a compelling return on investment, often outperforming traditional savings accounts. With an average payback period of 14 years and potential returns of 5-6% each year, solar panels are a smart choice for those looking to reduce their energy bills and generate additional income through Smart Export Guarantee tariffs.

Myth 5: Solar panels need a battery

Solar panels can be a valuable investment even without a battery. By encouraging energy use during daylight hours and scheduling appliances to run when the sun is shining, households can maximise their savings and make the most of their solar-generated power. Of course, for those with more typical energy usage patterns, a battery can provide additional benefits and long-term savings.

As a trusted partner in energy and power recruitment, Deploy is committed to helping professionals navigate the complexities of the solar market and capitalise on the opportunities it presents. Whether you're a seasoned expert or just starting your career in the industry, our team of specialists is here to support you with the latest insights, trends, and opportunities.

If you're interested in learning more about how solar panels can benefit your clients or your own career in the energy and power sector, we encourage you to reach out to our team. With our deep understanding of the industry and our commitment to delivering quality, compliant recruitment solutions, Deploy is your ideal partner for success in the dynamic world of solar power.

A machine is working on a motherboard in a factory.
12 Aug, 2024
With a new government in, there's a golden opportunity to rethink and replan for the long-term future. A major priority should be crafting a workforce strategy that ensures the UK can effectively address its infrastructure, digitalisation, and decarbonisation goals. From now until 2030, engineering and technology roles are projected to expand across all UK regions at a faster rate than any other job sector. These skills are essential not only for creative digital industries and big data but also for advanced manufacturing and transport. Need for Growth in 'Green' Engineering Positions The need for growth in 'green' engineering positions cannot be underestimated. Last year, the Climate Change Committee estimated that the transition to net zero would require up to 725,000 new roles. This includes specific figures like 100,000 jobs in onshore and offshore wind and 50,000 positions for heat pumps. The challenge is already apparent. Engineering and technology roles make up 19% of the UK workforce, yet account for 25% of job advertisements. Businesses are struggling to fill these vacancies, highlighting a significant skills gap that needs urgent attention. The pressure on the engineering sector is visible. In response, numerous government and industry task forces have emerged. While these groups address various aspects of the skills shortage, their efforts have been somewhat fragmented, with overlapping solutions and inconsistent approaches. Addressing the Issue Through Strategy To effectively address this issue, a cohesive and strategic approach is necessary. The government must take the first 100 days in office to step back and develop a comprehensive National Engineering & Technology Workforce Strategy. This strategy should promote collaboration across departments, be rooted in long-term industrial planning, and include sustainable funding from the Treasury. It must also align with Home Office immigration policies and work closely with the Department for Education. This strategy should be centrally managed, potentially by the Cabinet Office or Treasury, to streamline the work of existing taskforces, prioritise efforts, and foster collaboration across various departments. This unified approach would help eliminate inefficiencies and prevent different sectors from competing for the same talent. The strategy should also underpin a robust STEM education and skills plan. This plan needs to focus on increasing and sustaining apprenticeships, particularly for young people, committing to T Levels, providing comprehensive career advice for all students, and addressing the shortage of STEM teachers. Restoring funding for science professional development (CPD) would also be a key step, as it has been shown to improve teacher retention and recruitment. Attracting New Talent to the Engineering Industry A recent study by The Engineering Construction Industry Training Board forecasts that by 2026, 91,000 engineers, nearly 20% of the current UK engineering workforce, will retire, along with 29,000 technicians, or 18% of the technician workforce. The impending retirement of these experienced professionals underscores the urgent need to prepare the next generation of engineers. The current approach to recruitment and training must shift to ensure that new engineers can benefit from the wisdom and experience of their predecessors. Apprenticeships, while not an immediate fix, are a long-term solution to the skills shortage. These programs, which can last up to 42 months, provide new engineers with invaluable hands-on experience and knowledge transfer from seasoned professionals. Businesses need to plan to ensure their apprenticeship schemes are in place well before they face staffing gaps. This foresight will help in training apprentices effectively and ensuring they are ready to step into roles as experienced engineers retire. In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the demand for skilled engineers is ever-increasing. Establishing a continuous pipeline of new talent is crucial for maintaining a steady flow of skilled professionals into the sector. Apprenticeships offer a practical solution by creating a pattern of recruitment that consistently introduces new, local talent into the workforce. Starting apprentices at an entry-level is cost-effective for businesses, as their wages grow with their skills and productivity. However, in regions with high living costs, like Oxfordshire, relocating skilled engineers can be challenging. Developing a long-term strategy to cultivate local talent through apprenticeships can help address this issue and build a sustainable workforce. Promoting STEM Careers Now is the time for the engineering sector to act. Significant progress has been made in promoting STEM careers and attracting young talent to engineering. With current government incentives, such as up to £3,000 for new apprentices, there has never been a better moment to start building a pipeline of skilled engineers. Take a moment to assess your workforce and anticipate potential skills shortages by 2026. If your business is likely to face a gap, it's crucial to start planning now. By investing in apprenticeships and developing a strategic workforce plan, you can safeguard against future shortages and ensure a steady flow of skilled, talented staff. Addressing the Skills Shortage To bridge the engineering skills gap, we must adopt a strategic, long-term approach. The new government should implement a National Engineering & Technology Workforce Strategy, promoting collaboration and sustainable planning. Enhancing STEM education, expanding apprenticeships, and addressing STEM teacher shortages are vital steps. With significant retirements looming, leveraging experienced engineers to mentor the next generation is crucial. Apprenticeships offer a sustainable solution by creating a steady talent pipeline. By acting now and investing in these strategies, we can ensure the engineering sector meets future demands and continues to drive growth and innovation. In summary, addressing the skills gap in engineering requires a strategic, long-term approach. By developing a cohesive National Engineering & Technology Workforce Strategy, enhancing STEM education, and building a robust pipeline of apprentices, we can tackle the shortage of skilled engineers and drive growth across the sector. The time to act is now, and with the right strategies in place, we can bridge the skills gap and secure a prosperous future for the engineering profession. The time to act is now. Get in touch with us today for more information and support in addressing the skills shortage.
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